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Sandbank Picnic




Experience the way Livingstone felt discovering untouched land and sail away with us to sandbanks around the magnificent island of Un­guja, Zanzibar. Come on board our traditionally crafted dhows, put your feet up and allow our staff to pamper you as the Sultans of Zanzibar were once upon a time.


We set sail to find an untouched sandbank an hour away from Stone Town. Swim in the crystal-clear blue water around the sandbank and snor­kel to discover a whole new underwa­ter world filled with marine life and corals of brilliant colors. Tables are set out on the golden sand and a five-star seafood lunch extravaganza, pre­pared by the talented chefs from the Zanzibar Serena Inn will await you. After lunch relax on the sandbank listening to the hush of waves lapping against the shore or discover more underwater life around it and listen to stories from our crew about sailing the seven seas.


Then sail off to Prison Island. It is now home to a tortoise sanctuary, the prison ruins and a hotel. Watch the gi­ant tortoises shuffle through the trees, with the patience that old age brings.


We will slowly sail back to Stone Town, after a day of relaxation and fun.


This excursion is suitable for any­one, from those who wish to com­pletely relax to those who want adven­ture and excitement...Karibu onboard with us for a day!



• Swim wear, towel, and water resis­tant shoes for walking over coral.

• Water resistant bag for cameras and other valuables.

• Sunscreen and Hat.

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